TEMBILAHAN, POTRETNEWS.com– Sebanyak 4 unit rumah warga di RT 02 / RW 04 Kampungbaru Kelurahan Kualaenok, Kecamatan Tanahmerah, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir (Inhil), Riau, masuk ke dalam sungai akibat musibah tanah longsor, Jumat (30/10/2015) lalu.Meski dilaporkan tidak ada korban jiwa dalam musibah yang Read More

With focus on research, engineering technology, embedded system and information technology, Fortuna Argatech has succeed implementing their products in mining and manufacture industry.
With strong commitment for high quality local manpower and innovation, Fortuna Argatech comes with excellence in very competitive product prices and nationwide standby after sales service.