Para anggota Kodim Pekalongan tersebut berkaryabhakti bersama-sama sejumlah komponen, diantaranya TNI, Polri, BPBD dan Masyarakat. Kegiatan yang digelar mulai Tanggal 5 Februari hingga 11/2/2017 itu dipimpin langsung oleh Danramil 14/Kandangserang, Kapten Inf. Imam Subekhi , Sebagaimana diketahui, longsor di Desa Klasem terjadi Read More

With focus on research, engineering technology, embedded system and information technology, Fortuna Argatech has succeed implementing their products in mining and manufacture industry.
With strong commitment for high quality local manpower and innovation, Fortuna Argatech comes with excellence in very competitive product prices and nationwide standby after sales service.